Monday, September 18, 2006

friction and the nucleus

I cant think of any qualitative statements to make about the world.

what is the world? is there any meaning to life?

we work day and night.... for what? security i suppose. but is it really worth it?
i'm sick of the lack of purpose around you. do people consciously know what they are doing?

nature is beautiful. but we dont stop to think about it. there are sooo many mysteries!
there is nothing more pleasurable than uncovering the truth, and knowing you are right.
thats whats keeping me alive, i guess.

think about an atom, isnt it intriguing that almost the entire mass should be concentrated in such a tiny space. we are all made of mostly empty space then(in terms of volume). but then that's not entirely true is it?
the stuff that i called empty space isnt always empty, there's a always a probability that an electron occupies it.
but then i could argue that technically the electron could be absolutely anywhere in the universe. we limit our definition to be the sphere within which there is a 99% probability of locating its electrons...
if you want to chew this point, the entire universe is in every atom...

this picture, i personally believe, isnt painted in school because they wouldnt expect all teachers to know this.

which comes back to my point about too many people being around.
i know i didnt mention this explicitly but the world is a little too full of people right now. dont get me wrong, i only mean that whenever you discover something new, a million other people would have already.
the more the people, the more the competition, at the end of which, people do things just because others are (or arent) doing them.
look at me right now, am writing this blog, you are reading it. is there any purpose to this?
why did i write this blog, i wonder?

its like friction, it makes its presence felt in almost everything, and spoils the beauty of equations/laws. its mindless action, someone probably cooked it up in boredom.

at least my eyes are open, so am going to log off right now.

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