Sunday, October 08, 2006

book review

my latest read, "the clans of the alphane moon" - a story of a family quarrel that ends up deciding the fate of a world.
the world isnt an ordinary populated one - its a hospital world thats been cutoff from the rest of civilization. erstwhile patients ailing from varying genres of mental illnesses are now running a world.
divided into 7 clans based on their genre(heebs for hebephrenics, skitzes for schizophrenics, pares for paranoids, manses for manics etc) they arent too different from what human civilization is.
thats just the background. this world is also the grand battleground for a domestic tiff. a quarrel that ed mcbain may have had his characters resolve in the kitchen or on the patio with a kitchen knife or a beer bottle.

i didnt like it as much as his other books but its a good read.

the transmigration of timothy archer is much more touching though.
its completely non sci-fi. its all about beliefs and faiths and the price or being an intellectual. if you want to call it a price - i'd call it a USP...

well whatever, i cant really expect every PKD work to be better than all the ones i've previously read. i'd still rank "do androids dream of electric sheep?" and "a scanner darkly" at the very top.

his short stories are very good too.

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