Saturday, August 26, 2006

travel plaza

if you ever plan to go to baltimore by greyhound, my advise is: dont.

i've had a bad experience today which substantially cut down on the time i could spend in the city(i spent it instead in the "travel plaza" waiting for buses), and i ended up spending quite a bit more.
next time i'm just taking the train...

i suppose i could go on for hours and hours about this, but it doesnt make sense to, because i did end up having a really good time with a very old friend....
besides you'd then know that it was my own stupid mistake that landed me in travel plaza in the first place!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


there's a pretty scary looking cathedral on 110th and amsterdam.
morningside drive goes around it. i wonder why morninside is on the western part of manhattan?
maybe since its on a hillock, so as far as new jersey is concerned, the sun rises behind morningside, or maybe it wasnt earlier on the east side, and for some reason, manhattan rolled over a bit, in which case it could happen again, i hope when it does, amsterdam avenue and the upper west side doesnt go underwater. there's the planetarium, the museum and too many good restaurants anti-respectively.
if it were to go underwater would we have to wear diving equipment, everytime we had to see a show in the planetarium.
would they have to rename all the avenues from 1 to 11 again?
i wonder if the maps/guidebooks mention any of this. probably not, its a deep conspiracy, but i'll abandon this topic, since i am sure that there must be some organization or club thats trying to bring to everyone's attention just such a conspiracy, along with the WTC conspiracy, the Hurricane Katrina Conspiracy(how it was engineered by the terrorists), the Iraqi prisoner abuse conspiracy(what! you actually thought these guys would voluntarily do such a thing??).

its really good when you know you dont have to worry about something anymore, except when it comes to work, it may sound superstitious but as soon as you decide not to worry about something, it triggers off a concatenation of events that culminates in that something coming back and biting you...

i'm going to watch "mamma mia" this friday, and then i'm going to baltimore on saturday or sunday(preferably saturday)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

its only 2:30 at night

i have had a bad day. i didnt have a breakfast or a lunch, so i had more than a fair share of my regular dinner, which is going to make me fat.
bob arctor would have no trouble dealing with this, he was too doped out to realise what was going on, which is how i felt i would have been.

its a shame that though i'm very helpful to people, they arent helpful back.
its bad grammar/bad english, but then english itself is so "hacky" a language, that this cant really be considered wrong.
maybe i shouldnt be so helpful to begin with. if its someone else's problem, its someone else's problem.

i dont understand haiku at all, and i dont think its meant to be understood by anyone.
"When speech and silence are both inadmissible, how can one pass without error?"
"I always rememeber kiangsu in March -
the cry of the partridge,
the mass of the fragrant flowers"

i mean, what is this??

my blogs are definitely much more understandable to an external observer.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

sunday evening

the worst time of the week, when you know you have 5 days of misery to contend with.

whats more there's quite a bit of rework i need to do because i've been put in a pretty bad spot because people dont consult with me before making changes, and that gives me very little time to make a lot of changes.

People expect me to do a lot of stuff for them. why is the assumption being made that i'm not busy on my own? of course i'm very busy! i dont like doing work to make up for others' mistakes when i dont even get recognized for it. i should just take a week off and then everyone will know!

but i've said that a million times before, i should just vacation some day(can vacation be used as a verb? i dont know, but it sounds likely).

my parents and sister and brother in law are enjoying a long weekend in nagarhole, and i'm stuck here in a different kind of a sanctuary. hardly a sanctuary! its supposed to offer me - and other giant mutant rats like me - protection from hunting and abuse...
its a zoo! people look through the bars and say "here, here, you stinkin' mutant centaur" and then they throw sticks, pebbles, paper, plastic at the centaur.
i dont know if i'm in an any better position than the centaur. is it better to be discriminated against or to be thrown stuff at?

every single day i pray for a global disaster, something that will make us all reset our priorities. i dont know, maybe a huge asteroid smashing into the face of the earth? an earthquake that splits up a continent? a nuclear war? a continent sinking? the earth's poles shifting by about 10 degrees? a huge asteroid impact on mars, sending phobos or deimos hurtling towards the earth?
betelguise going supernova?

i know we arent doing too well right now, and a realisation of that alone isnt enough to prevent certain disaster. what we need is a global warning, that puts everyone on high alert and makes us all forget all of our silly bickering.

and when that happens i want to be a witness to the human effort to cope with it.
maybe thats the reason i keep thinking i'm not where i'm supposed to be

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i dont think i want to blog today

i think its ridic and a waste of time

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It’s my house.

Nobody can drive me out.
For whatever reasons they would or do want to.
Assuming there’s a “they” at all.
Which may just be my imagination, the “they” watching me. Paranoia. Or rather the “it.” The depersonalized it.
Whatever it is that’s watching, it is not a human.
Not by my standards, anyhow. Not what I’d recognize.
As silly as this is, he thought, it’s frightening. Something is being done to me and by a mere thing, here in my own house. Before my very eyes.Within something’s very eyes; within the sight of some thing . Which, unlike little dark‑eyed Donna, does not ever blink. What does a scanner see? he asked himself. I mean, really see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does a passive infrared scanner like they used to use or a cube‑type holo‑scanner like they use these days, the latest thing, see into me–into us–clearly or darkly? I hope it does, he thought, see clearly, because I can’t any longer these days see into myself. I see only murk. Murk outside; murk inside. I hope, for everyone’s sake, the scanners do better. Because, he thought, if the scanner sees only darkly, the way I myself do, then we are cursed, cursed again and like we have been continually, and we’ll wind up dead this way, knowing very little and getting that little fragment wrong too.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Giant Mutant Rat blog

my life seems pointless. i've run out of orange juice, ideas, thoughts, fears, disgusts, peace, love, recollections, memories, desires, dislikes, energy.
i'm even too tired to do anything anymore.
i just feel like i want to sink into a void and never rise again.

i also want to visit the cerro paranal observatory before i do.

i know what a giant mutant rat or cat or dog in a pessimistic sci-fi story must feel like, a mindless pointless existence. wanting to attack and prey and live through the day, no end in sight, the only focus is on the next few mins, let alone an hour.
that kind of appeals to me in so weird a way, that i changed the title of this posting right now!

i am going to crawl back to my sewer now...

Contains spoilers!

its 1:19 am. my head isnt aching, i am in no pain, am on the way to achieving nirvana.
another weekend passed by, no useful throughput, rather most of what i did was a cover up for earlier slip-ups(not mine).

i saw the descent on friday. i liked the movie, despite the fact that i had to see it from the third row. i would have been ok with catching glimpses of the action off limited portions off the screen, but the guys sitting next to me had loud comments to make about every single thing in the movie. my only consolation is that they were loud enough so that i wasnt the only one to be treated to a running review of the movie.

the movie itself i liked, i thought it was scary even before the monsters came out. especially the part where sarah is stuck in the narrow passage, and she starts to panic. this is just before the rockslide.

well am waiting for more gore. it manifests in the form of saw 3 on Oct 27.

good night now

Sunday, August 06, 2006

sunday morning

its 12:32 here, and i should be fast asleep. thats something you've heard before.
now why did i choose to title this scanner darkly? why am i parallely watching the revenge of the sith for the umpteenth time?
why is viceroy gunray so dumb that when palpatine says "when my new apprentice darth vader gets there, he will take care of you" that doesnt seem to spark off any pessimistic line of thinking?
speaking of pessimism, i have come to the conclusion that PKD is god!
that may be part of the reason i named this a scanner darkly.
I want to see through me, clearly or darkly i do not know.

just noticed one more thing - viceroy gunray says "why are you doing this? the war is over, lord sidius promised us peace", just before being struck down by darth vader's light saber.
Ya right, you'll need to come up with a very complicated situation to explain to me that the trade federation started the war in a serene, tranquil and peaceful galaxy, just for peace!
there's an example of triphrasism - using three words to describe the same thing in the same sentence.

why does Yoda have to fall a hundred feet? Obi wan, and indeed several other jedi have on more than one occasion(understatement) shown proclivities towards turning down free-fall. pun intended.

i'm pretty bored now, and am going to log off, i've switched to pulp fiction