Monday, August 07, 2006

Contains spoilers!

its 1:19 am. my head isnt aching, i am in no pain, am on the way to achieving nirvana.
another weekend passed by, no useful throughput, rather most of what i did was a cover up for earlier slip-ups(not mine).

i saw the descent on friday. i liked the movie, despite the fact that i had to see it from the third row. i would have been ok with catching glimpses of the action off limited portions off the screen, but the guys sitting next to me had loud comments to make about every single thing in the movie. my only consolation is that they were loud enough so that i wasnt the only one to be treated to a running review of the movie.

the movie itself i liked, i thought it was scary even before the monsters came out. especially the part where sarah is stuck in the narrow passage, and she starts to panic. this is just before the rockslide.

well am waiting for more gore. it manifests in the form of saw 3 on Oct 27.

good night now

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